10 Most Tasteless Moments From Total Divas

1. Nattie And TJ€™s Marriage

Nattie and TJ Wilson are childhood sweethearts who have been dating for years, and recently got married. Their bond is as strong as any two people in the WWE. Unfortunately, that€™s not how it€™s portrayed on the show. TJ is portrayed as an uncaring, neglectful husband. Nattie is portrayed as a jealous, paranoid wife. Last week€™s episode even listed TJ as €œNattie€™s Estranged Husband.€ It€™s ridiculous that a strong marriage such as theirs is forced to be portrayed as something it€™s not for the sake of a storyline. It€™s understandable why Nattie and TJ would be cool with this. The show is giving them exposure that a regular WWE storyline would never be able to. The E! network paid for their wedding, which is usually a costly affair. They€™re professionals, and this is just another acting gig. However, it€™s very tasteless for the Total Divas writers to portray a healthy marriage as a problem for the sake of better storylines and ratings. Be sure to follow me on Twitter @PocketSeagull.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.