10 Most Tasteless Moments From Total Divas

9. Ariane€™s Best Implants

Ariane Andrew is known as Cameron in the WWE, and while her wrestling talent leaves a lot to be desired (she tried to pin an opponent who was on her stomach, demanding that the referee count the pinfall€she later defended the move on social media by stating that she was €œstarting a trend€), her sassy attitude makes her perfect for reality television. In Season 1, she explored the option of getting breast enhancement surgery, saying that it would make her €œTheBomb.com.€ If any of the WWE€™s young female fanbase had decided to watch that particular episode of Total Divas, one of their role models (although heaven help you if you look at the person who thought Melina vs. Alicia Fox was the greatest match of all time as a role model) was telling them that getting breast implants was important to succeed. As many of the storylines on this show go, nothing ever came of it, as Ariane€™s boyfriend Vinny managed to convince her that she was fine without the implants. It€™s been a running joke over many years that to get ahead as a woman in WWE, you need to have large breasts. It was just jarring to see that storyline played out in €œreality€ on Total Divas.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.