10 Most Unappreciative Wrestlers Ever

10. Buff Bagwell

A true case of art imitating real life, the character of Buff Bagwell appeared to ring true with the actual man himself. Away from the ring, there's a lot of evidence to suggest that Bagwell was every bit the arrogant type - there are numerous examples of him trying to throw his weight around in WCW, including refusing to move from a doorway for a production staff member who was wheeling crates of equipment through, and even flat out saying he wouldn't do the job on occasion. This kind of blatant ego didn't really sit well when Buff made the jump from WCW over to the then-WWF in 2001. His match with Booker T on an episode of Monday Night Raw was supposed to kick start a bold new direction for the WCW brand, but instead left Vince McMahon wishing he hadn't bothered. Quickly, Bagwell was ushered out the door, blamed for what had been an epic failure of a match. As if that wasn't bad enough, the man got into a scrap with Shane Helms at a WWF training facility, who was sick of Bagwell mouthing off about the fact he felt above coming to such a gathering.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.