10 Most Underrated WWE Feuds Of The Attitude Era
9. The Dudley Boyz Vs. The APA

When you talk about great tag teams of the Attitude Era, it's impossible to overlook The Dudley Boyz and their contributions to the division. But their amazing work with The Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian greatly overshadows anything else they did around that time.
And one of the other great rivalries that had during their initial run with the WWE was their introductory feud with The Acolytes/APA. Just months after fellow ECW tag team Public Enemy came into the WWE and caused so much backstage heat with the boys that The Acolytes actually beat the hell out of them on-air, The Dudleys had a lot to prove.
But they worked quite nicely with Faarooq and Bradshaw and complimented their physicality. It was a rare thing in this golden age of high-flying tandems to see two power/brawling teams get after each other, and their matches always supplied ample amounts of chaos and carnage.
It was like watching an even better remake of The Twin Towers vs. Demolition or LOD vs. The Nasty Boys.
One of the teams' better moments together came after Faarooq and Bradshaw had adopted the APA moniker and transformed their characters into beer-swilling, badass bodyguards for hire. Following a friendly card game gone awry, the Dudleys and APA engaged in a bar room brawl for the ages.