10 Most Underrated WWE Ladder Matches Ever

6. Rob Van Dam Vs Christian (Raw 2003)

Speaking of great Intercontinental Championship matches on Raw, this one between Rob Van Dam and Christian from the September 29th Raw was one of the best Raw bouts of the decade. Unlike the match between Jeff Hardy and Carlito, this one also got top billing and closed out the show in style. Highlights include a vicious and inventive catapult into the ladder from Christian to RVD, a ladder-assisted Van Daminator and an awe-inspiring Five Star Frog Splash from the very top rung. How were Van Dam and Christian rewarded with for their herculean efforts? They were back fighting each other in a mid-card tag match the next week while Goldberg versus Mark Henry went on last. Go figure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=En1yft9-Nkg

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...