10 Most Unlikely WWE Intercontinental Champions Ever

7. D'Lo Brown

When D'Lo Brown made his first - unnamed - appearances with the World Wrestling Federation in 1997, nobody could have predicted that he'd go on to become an absolutely essential part of the mid-card scene in less than a year. Wearing a black suit and standing idly by as a henchmen for The Nation Of Domination, the future Intercontinental and four-time European Champion was pretty non-descriptive. Overweight and showing no signs of doing anything other than his on-screen bodyguard duties, Brown became a true success story, shedding the pounds and proving himself to be a guy who could rile the fans easily by doing nothing but shaking his head and pouting for the cameras. In July, 1999, D'Lo was rewarded for the past 2 years by beating Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental Title. Brown's run with the belt would be a short-lived 26 days, and he'd lose both the Intercontinental and European Titles back to Jarrett at Summerslam the next month. From there, the man's career started to go into free fall, it was almost like he had been given his time in the sun, but it was now all over. Toiling for the next year or so, Brown dwindled down the card, and it's rather odd that winning the Intercontinental belt did nothing for him.
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Luke Harper
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.