10 Most Unlikely WWE Trends

2. Mick Foley Uses A Sock As His Finisher

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Upon joining the then-WWF in 1996, Mick Foley transformed into the nightmarish Mankind character.

Wearing a mask somewhat akin to Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Mankind also had a small glove covering multiple fingers on one hand. The glove was designed for hooking on the Mandible Claw, the character's finishing hold.

When Mankind began changing in 1998, Foley made the decision to introduce his own mascot. Known as 'Mr. Socko', a simple sweat sock was now a big part of Mankind's overall act.

Admitting as much on his podcast, Steve Austin didn't think the idea had much of a future, feeling it was truly 'out there'.

Instead of the glove he had used before, Mankind now pulled Mr. Socko from his tights before locking in the Mandible Claw. Fans were able to revel in the absurdity of it all, especially when Foley pointed to his bottom half, hinting at pulling the sock from his person.

Whenever Foley is called upon to make an appearance, Mr. Socko still comes with him. Somehow, the man made a sock into a star, which is surely a first.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.