10 Most Unpopular WWE World Champions Ever

Main-event worthy or not, these guys were not popular during these respective reigns...

To date, the main World Title in WWE has changed names quite a bit. Obviously, the title has changed moniker when the actual branding of the company has switched. For example, the old WWWF World Heavyweight Title and the later WWF Heavyweight Title are effectively the same thing, it was merely the organisation itself which re-branded. Similarly, the company also recognise the Undisputed WWE Title, WWE Title and WWE World Heavyweight Championship as sharing the same lineage. On the other side of the coin, there's the old World Heavyweight Championship. Created in 2002, the belt was merged with the WWE Title in 2013, thus ending it as an active belt. However, both were recognised as 'World' Titles by the promotion, and thus both are eligible for the purposes of this article. In order to be deemed an 'unpopular' champion, a wrestler need not necessarily be heel. Further to that, they don't even have to be disliked generally. Instead, specific title reigns will be picked out, and it will be explained why these runs were received so frostily. Over the years, there have been so many amazing champions in WWE history. During other reigns, some of the entries listed here would fit into that category. Unfortunately, the particular tenures explored do not qualify for excellence, and here's why.

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Triple H
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.