10 Most Unusual Foreign Objects Used At WWE TLC

The biggest steel chair you've ever seen in your life!

When I was a kid, the acronym TLC always stood for tender loving care. But as the 90s rolled on, and things such as pop music suddenly became important, I soon came to know those three letters as the trio behind such hits as Unpretty and No Scrubs€”a track that I€™m sure has a spot in your guilty pleasures playlist. And don€™t even pretend you weren€™t a fan of the aural goodness that was Waterfalls. Today, though, the meaning has changed even further still. Now, the TLC I know is an annual event whereby spandex-clad men resolve fictitious disputes by battering one another with tables, ladders and chairs. But more often than not, the matches that feature at TLC end up incorporating more than just the tables, ladders and chairs that the show€™s posters promote. In fact, TLC has become one of the most diverse battlegrounds in all of WWE in terms of foreign objects and unorthodox weapons. This list takes a look back at some of the strangest and most unique uses of such paraphernalia, as we count down ten of the most unusual foreign objects that we€™ve ever seen used at the WWE TLC pay-per-view.


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