10 Most Unusual Foreign Objects Used At WWE TLC

3. Steel Stairs

Steel stairs are an item that often makes an appearance in WWE matches, but in 2014 we were treated to an entire match dedicated solely to the use of this object. And I€™m using the word treated rather lightly there. Clearly though, the WWE thought this was some kind of treat€”so much so that they even tried to rebrand the event and TLC€ and S. Safe to say, it didn€™t catch on. But still, the Stairs match went ahead nonetheless, putting the briefly babyface Erick Rowan against the Big Show. One of the highlights saw Rowan re-create a €œmodern-day Stonehenge€ (JBL€™s words, not mine€”clearly he's never been to Stonehenge) by building a wall of stairs. Ultimately though, he was speared through the structure by Show before taking a chokeslam onto another set of stairs. Truth be told, the two big men actually made the best of what they were given though. But to dedicate an entire match to the legal use of stairs still seems like scraping the barrel to me€”regardless of how preposterously heavy WWE€™s commentary team purport those stairs to be.

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