10 Movie Characters WWE Should Base New Gimmicks On
1. Sgt. Barnes (Platoon)

Let's start this with an honest question: Why don't more villainous wrestlers have face scars? I'm not talking about real scars, either, those earned from the days when blading was as common as a clothesline. No, I'm talking about the type of scar that shows up on most Bond villains and in every boss battle Jean-Claude Van Damme has ever had.
And on the soulless face of Sgt. Barnes, the central antagonist of Oliver Stone's brilliant Platoon.
Facial disfigurements aside, Barnes seems like an obvious template to base a military-themed bad guy on. He's a hardened war hero, supposedly fighting on the "right side", but whose conscience has been replaced by the horrors of battle and a desire to win at all costs. Doesn't that last part sound like a typical heel motive?
Also, it should be noted that just about everything that comes out of Barnes' mouth in the film sounds like an A-level heel promo.
Obviously, the political culture of WWE in the present day would prevent them from showing a United States veteran in an even remotely negative light, but even if they never segue back into a PG-13 era or loosen their affiliations with the US Military, there are ways to make this work.
The simple solution? Have him be a resentful war criminal from a different country's military.