10 Nastiest Backstage Incidents In Wrestling History

7. Sheamus vs. Sin Cara

Another strike against the big bullies here. Considering that the hefty Stephen €˜Sheamus€™ Farrelly has played a fighting Irish warrior for almost the entirety of his thirteen-year professional wrestling career, there are a surprising number of stories about him being physically dominated by smaller guys after throwing his weight around. If rumour is to be believed, he€™s been properly beaten up by former roommate Yoshi Tatsu twice: once for trying to welsh on repaying money he€™d borrowed, and once following a ridiculous argument over Sheamus€™ refusal to wash Tatsu€™s protein shake mixer after using it without asking. At the beginning of May last year however, the Celtic Warrior reportedly had his ass handed to him by none other than Sin Cara II, aka Jorge Arias, the former Hunico. Scuttlebutt (essentially, gossip that loves to fight) has it that Sheamus wanted the services of the backstage trainers, and ordered Arias off the massage bed: the idea being that since he was higher on the WWE totem pole than Sin Cara, he should get preferential treatment from both staff and colleagues. Although Farrelly later tweeted that no such incident had occurred, Arias€™ fellow Hispanic wrestler Konnan has claimed otherwise, stating that he had it on good authority that when Arias called Farrelly out on his attitude, the Irishman threw the first punch, only to have his legs swept by the Texas-born luchador. Apparently Sheamus was completely outclassed by the smaller man, who could have caused some significant damage had the fight not been broken up.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.