10 New Directions For WWE After Clash At The Castle 2024

1. Drew McIntyre Hunting CM Punk

CM Punk Drew McIntyre Revenge

Or hunting everyone in sight.

McIntyre was irate as Clash At The Castle went off the air. He was Bret Hart in 1997 pre-screwjob, and that means CM Punk has hell to pay on the backend for his referee antics. Punk vs. Drew is going to sell a ton of tickets - things are about to boil over big time between these guys. They might even need Hell In A Cell come match two or three.

It's back to regularly scheduled programming after this Scottish trip. McIntyre will be the heel again, and Punk will somehow justify sticking two fingers up at his arch rival whilst wrecking Drew's homecoming plans. This pair can't stand one another, and the next logical step is watching more carnage unfold at SummerSlam.

Put your popcorn on now. Punk will be back in the ring soon, and McIntyre will be licking his lips at the thought of getting physical after months of back and forth jawing on the mic. There's more of that to come for sure, but now they can actually wrestle. Or brawl. Or both.

Where else can you see WWE booking going after Clash At The Castle: Scotland? For more wrestling, check out 10 Wrestlers Whose Careers TANKED After Winning Big and 6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (14 June - Results & Review)


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.