10 New Directions For WWE After Fastlane 2023

Jade Cargill's free agency; John Cena's exit; CM Punk's return to WWE?!

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Fastlane could've been subtitled "In Your House" with the five match format and 'B' show vibes going in, but that's not to say there wasn't plenty of fun to be had. WWE gave the bigger bouts plenty of time, and they even stuffed one popular return and a Jade Cargill segment dripping with star power onto the thing.

So, what's next?

New Undisputed Tag-Team Champs were crowned on the night, and Judgment Day man Damian Priest teased cashing in his Money In The Bank briefcase before being talked out of it by his stablemates. That'll be something to keep an eye on, because Seth Rollins' superhuman performances can't continue forever with a bad back; WWE might've also taken gold off Damian just to prep him for some more.

One of the big talking points on the rumour mill is CM Punk's possible company comeback, but will his old rival John Cena be going the other way before then? All of that, more drama in the ranks of The Bloodline, Saudi trips and Survivor Series on the horizon means Triple H has a lot to think about.

Here's where they're (probably) heading!

10. Carlito’s Second Full-Time Run

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First, let's talk about that new entrance music. It erm...has to go. God only knows what the production team were thinking by trying to jazz things up there, because the new tune is guff compared to the old, laid back vibes of before. Meh, maybe it'll grow on everybody over time.

Carlito should get that time too, because the man's in peak physical condition. He seriously looked great out there as a surprise partner for LWO pair Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar. Fans there live for Fastlane were chuffed to see him too, which bodes well for Carly's second full-time run with WWE.

That's surely on the cards, right?

Seeing friendship blossom between Rey and Carlito will perhaps cause jealousy to rear its ugly head and facilitate an Escobar turn longer term. For now, sticking Mr. Caribbean Cool out there for choice bouts on SmackDown (and making him a key part of LWO business) makes sense.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.