10 New Directions For WWE After Payback 2023

6. Sami Zayn Turning On KO

WWE Survivor Series 2023 CM Punk

Or vice versa.

Look, everyone knew either KO or Sami would turn on the other one when Zayn escaped The Bloodline and reunited with his old pal. This pair just don't stick together forever - they're like brothers who keep fighting, and people are completely fine with that because they always have banger grudge matches.

Another one is surely on the horizon following that Undisputed Tag Title loss at Payback. The guess? Kev teases that he's sick and tired of Sami again, which leads folks to believe he's about to hit a Stunner Steve Austin would be proud of. Then, BOOM! It's actually Zayn who does the dirty.

WWE could actually present both as tweeners if they're careful. Both warring on/off friends can have valid arguments for hating one another again, and that could lead to them beating the snot out of one another come 'Mania 40. If no-one can't wait that long, then they're a stick on for a PLE match before the end of 2023.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.