10 New Main Event Megastars WWE Are Secretly Building

9. Ludwig Kaiser

Jacob Fatu WWE Title

You might've raised an eyebrow like your name's Dwayne Johnson seeing Ludwig Kaiser here. After all, he's mere backup for GUNTHER in the Imperium gimmick, right? Nah, Ludwig has already shown he's worth way more than that. His recent showing vs. LA Knight over in Germany was outstanding, and it's far from an isolated example.

Kaiser has excelled each and every time creative has loosened his leash away from GUNTHER and let Ludwig do his own thing. He's one hell of a worker, one who crucially understands how important is it to make opponents look good. Kaiser feeds a comeback like Mr. Perfect in his prime, and locks in a heat section that builds anticipation before that.

He's one of the most accomplished all-rounders WWE has, which is saying something.

The 34 year old is in his prime, fits the mould of a Miz-esque cowardly heel champion well, and understands when to let others shine. That's gold dust for a headliner. Fingers crossed Kaiser gets at least a little time in the sun at the top of cards someday.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.