10 New Year’s Resolutions WWE Must Make For 2021

8. Book Queen Of The Ring

Goldberg Universal Title

Resolution: A full-blown female offshoot of 'King Of The Ring' happens during the summer months.

Why: The amount of female talent available on Raw, SmackDown, NXT and NXT UK is quite something. Add in MIA stars like Becky Lynch or Ronda Rousey and it's clear that this is the richest women's division in WWE history. They really should do something with all those workers.

The 'Mae Young Classic' tourneys have been fine, but people would trip over themselves to see a fully-fledged 'Queen Of The Ring' epic staged across multiple nights. If booked correctly, this tournament could help establish a new contender for top titles.

Someone like Bianca Belair (for example) would have unparalleled credibility for her 'StrongEST, FastEST, ToughEST' mantra if she whipped a bevy of skilled workers to become the first 'Queen'. WWE could also get creative by linking the event in with Charlotte Flair's nickname and spinning off into a feud between her and the winner afterwards.

It's a no-brainer.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.