10 NXT Stars Who Could Feature In The 2015 Royal Rumble

3. Adrian Neville

Now we are getting into the most likely of scenarios. The former NXT Champion is one of the most gifted talents WWE has signed in years. He can physically do things in the ring that were once considered impossible. There is a valid reason he is known as "The Man That Gravity Forgot.€ Adrian Neville has managed to impress on every platform he€™s been given. When he teamed with Sami Zayn to take on Tyson Kidd and Tyler Breeze on Raw last year, he stole the show with his Red Arrow €“ a gorgeous corkscrew shooting star press. It€™s time to let him do it again. A storyline for him wouldn€™t be necessary if this is a one-off appearance; similar to that of Rusev last year €“ who wasn€™t seen again on WWE TV until April. It would just be an appetizer. Neville is poised for success in WWE, gaining praise from everyone who matters. The ten-year pro is better suited than anyone on the NXT roster to be awarded this opportunity. Without much left to accomplish in NXT, The Royal Rumble is the perfect time for him to fly.

Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.