10 NXT/WWE Trades That Should Be Made

8. Enzo Amore And Big Cass For The Prime Time Players

Enzocassptp Yes, the Prime Time Players just recently reunited, which is a good thing for both of them, because they will get over as a team more than they would on their own. The problem is that it€™s a step back for them in terms of career path. It doesn€™t look like Darren Young or Titus O€™Neill will ever break through the midcard ceiling. Like Los Matadores, they could be better served helping the next generation. Not since the New Age Outlaws do we have a team who could get over with the fans before the bell ever rings. Their pre-match ritual of spitting out their catchphrases definitely draws parallels to Road Dogg or DX Triple H, and it€™s proven that this kind of repetition gets over with the fans. When the bell rings, these two are just fun. The loudmouth Italian stereotype has proven to be popular with the Real Housewives series, and could translate well for Enzo and Cass.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.