10 Obscure International Wrestling Championships

8. Kuwait Cup (WWF)

When the World Wrestling Federation attempted to increase international business in the mid-nineties during a lull in interest Stateside, it provided some interesting highlights to the calendar that have become hidden gems for modern fans. Sadly the Kuwait Cup was not one of them.

In addition to several overseas tours to countries like Germany, South Africa and England, 1996 also saw the WWF venture into Kuwait for a number of shows in May and with it came the creation of the little known Kuwait Cup Tournament.

While these international tours saw a number forgotten classics - including several missing chapters of the Bret Hart/Steve Austin feud - the Kuwait Cup would be a largely wasted opportunity. Laced with big names like Austin, Hart and The Undertaker, the Kuwait Cup had the potential to be something special but missed the mark as far as making the cup a credible accolade.

Despite the brackets including some interesting booking scenarios - such as Marty Jannetty vs Steve Austin, Bret vs Owen and The Undertaker against his future “Brother of Destruction” Isaac Yankem - the tournament eventually came down to Ahmed Johnson and Hunter Hearst Helmsley in the finals.

In a true snapshot of WWF in 1996, the Pearl River powerhouse would emerge victories, walking away with bragging rights as inaugural Kuwait Cup champ. Perhaps even more astounding, Johnson would also claim tournament victories over the likes of Triple H, Owen Hart and Steve Austin en route to the silverware.

The tournament would return the following April, once again providing some great one-on-one booking in the early rounds; including British Bulldog colliding with Mankind and Steve Austin once again squaring off against bitter rival, Bret Hart. Nevertheless, the finals inexplicably saw the brilliant Owen Hart lose to perennial mid-carder, Tiger Ali Singh; continuing the bizarre legacy and insane booking of the Kuwait Cup.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!