10 Oldest WWE Royal Rumble Competitors Ever

2. Jerry Lawler - 62

Snuka Piper Royal Rumble 2008
WWE Network

Date of Royal Rumble: 29 January 2012

Date of Birth: 29 November 1949

Eliminations: Michael Cole

Eliminated by: Cody Rhodes

Total Time in Rumble: 00:43

In a highly criticised move, the WWE had three members of the commentary team compete in the 2012 Royal Rumble. This, combined with the participation of Jim Duggan, Road Dogg, Mick Foley, and Ricardo Rodriguez, meant eight Rumble slots were occupied by non-active wrestlers.

Jerry Lawler lasted the second-shortest time in the match at less than a minute. After 'The King' suffered a heart attack in 2012, no one should expect him back in a WWE ring again.


Philip German hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.