10 Outcomes If HUGE Wrestling Complaints Were Answered
4. Brock Lesnar Is Too Over-Powered

The complaint:
Brock Lesnar has ruined everything.
Brock Lesnar has ruined WWE.
The outcome if it were answered:
Brock Lesnar both symbolised - and masked - the institutional rot. He was a boogeyman figure of sorts, blamed for ruining a product that would magically be good again, if he just f*cked off.
The idea was that Brock's overbearing presence and favourable booking actively neutered virtually everybody else, and it did. He was framed as the skyscraper in a playpen full of stacking blocks that the petulant toddler of a booker would knock over when he needed his beddy-byes. But the mechanisms in place to "promote" talent don't go away when Lesnar does.
The scripted promos don't get shredded; they are are still handed to the locusts of contempt. The chat shows are still there. Vince still has an attention span as short as he perceives poor Chad Gable to be.
Brock Lesnar really didn't help at all, but he kind of did, in a strange way. It was a public service, a storm warning. They tried to tell you how they book as a matter of course, and it least it looked cool, nasty and violent when Lesnar embodied the process.
You'd rather see somebody eat an F5 than appear on a Main Event graphic, surely.