10 Outrageous Mexican Wrestling Films You Need To See

7. Wrestling Women Vs The Aztec Mummy


Lorena Velazquez, who played the Vampire Queen in Santo Vs The Vampire Women, becomes luchadora Gloria Venus who along with her partner Golden Rubi encounters a Fu Manchu-like villain and a mummy that can transform into a bat.

The Black Dragons, a gang of evil Orientals who try to hide their ethnicity by wearing sunglasses, have two-thirds of a three-part Aztec treasure map, and since Gloria and Rubi have the third piece, they naturally decide to send two female wrestlers to fight our heroines for possession of it. There are unintentional laughs to be had from the bad dubbing and unconvincing stunt doubles, and if you do watch it for a giggle, then don’t miss the final 20 minutes.

When the mummy finally appears, unleashed by the luchadoras to fight on their side, it’s somehow able to transform itself from a moaning and groaning mass of bandages into a rubber bat at will, leading to cries of “Look, he’s a vampire now!” and “He’s a mummy again!” Strange doesn’t begin to cover it. 


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'