When this match was initially introduced with the "stipulation" that all participants are locked in a room for 24 hours without food, water or light you knew you were watching TNA. Thankfully, in the first Monster's Ball they had Raven and Abyss who were both more than able to personify certifiably crazy men in their own rights and Monty Brown (later known as "Marcus Cor Von" in WWECW during 2007) who were all able put on a decent showing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be7b-AfXBbk Throughout this gimmick's life the "stipulation" never played into the match more then as a complex reason for them to put on a "No Disqualification" match. And to top it all off the fact that they decided to completely stop mentioning the "locked away" gimmick after only the sixth incarnation at Bound for Glory (2007) wherein Abyss defeated Raven, Black Reign and Rhino just goes to show what they thought of the back story themselves.