10 Outrageous WWE False Finishes That Fooled Everybody

9. Santino Marella Comes Close

The Rock Steve Austin WWE WrestleMania XIX

Match: World Heavyweight Title Elimination Chamber (Elimination Chamber 2012)

Jim Ross, Vinnie Mac and other WWE announcers once proudly bellowed, "Anything can happen in the World Wrestling Federation". That soundbite was exactly that, but it did almost ring true years after the fact at Elimination Chamber 2012.

Who could've foretold this nearly moment?!

A stirring Chamber bout pitting Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, The Great Khali, Big Show and Santino Marella took a swerve when Santino pinned both Rhodes and Barrett. Suddenly, he was the only challenger left for Bryan. Fans were hooked when Marella slapped on his goofy "Cobra" gimmick and spiked the reigning champ.

Bryan kicked out, but everyone believed (just for a few seconds) that WWE might genuinely put the World Title on a comedy act. Stranger things had happened, some reasoned. Alas, it wasn't to be. What a f*cking pop though.

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The Rock
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