10 Most Outrageous WWE Superstar Imaginary Friends

1. Mr. Socko

Mr. Socko debuted on the October 5th, 1998 episode of Raw, but it's fair to say no one could have predicted what a phenomenon Makind's imaginary friend would end up being. Intended to be a one time gimmick, fans quickly embraced the sight of the dirty sock being rammed into the mouths of Mick Foley's opponents. As the years passed, it became more and more of an icon, and has followed the popular wrestler throughout his career. It's hard to put a finger of what makes Mr. Socko work so well. In the hands of anyone else, there's no way this would have been anything other than dumb, but just like every other persona that Foley took on over the years, he made it a hit (The Rock may be a Hollywood star now, but Mr. Socko > Mr. Rocko). There are far too many memorable moments with this sock to list, but every fan who ever saw Mr. Socko in action is likely to have one.
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Al Snow
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