10 'Passing The Torch' Wrestling Matches

9. Mr. Perfect Vs. Bret Hart (SummerSlam 1991)

bret hart mr perfect summerslam 1991

God bless Curt Hennig for fighting back the searing pain of serious back injury long enough to put a rising Bret Hart over clean as a whistle at SummerSlam 1991. In years since, Bret has always given a nod to Hennig for his efforts and realised that he must have been in agony as he tapped to a match-ending Sharpshooter.

This, right there in Madison Square Garden, was the real beginning of the Hitman's singles run, and he has Mr. Perfect to thank for it.

At first, it was tempting to put Roddy Piper's job to Hart at WrestleMania VIII in this slot, but the Perfect loss got there first. After 18 minutes of typically fluid action between both, Bret twisted the heel and facilitated Hennig's celebrated run as Ric Flair's 'Executive Consultant' later that same year.

SummerSlam showed Hart as the new workhorse of the company, proved to everyone (chiefly Vince McMahon) that he had it in him to be a star outside the tag-team ranks and kickstarted a year-long rise towards the World Title.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.