10 People In Wrestling That Still Hold A Grudge Against CM Punk

4. Colt Cabana

Cm Punk Colt Cabana 16 9
Twitter, @CMPunk

In a surprising turn of events, friends of nearly 20 years CM Punk and Colt Cabana fell out in a major way in the last few years.

It all boils down to the aforementioned Art of Wrestling podcast, during which Punk got out all of his grievances about WWE. The podcast was so popular it crashed the servers when it was released. What Punk and Cabana could never expect at the time though is it would later cause their lengthy friendship to come to an end.

On the podcast, Punk talked about his time in WWE and the medical issues he endured, calling attention to “Doc” Chris Amann, the company's Senior Ringside Physician. Amann would sue Punk and Cabana over the derogatory remarks. Punk and Cabana ultimately won the trial but Cabana would later sue Punk for breaking a text message promise of “I’ll make sure you’re 100% covered”, in reference to Cabana's legal costs.

Punk was ticked. Not only does Cabana have bad feelings towards Punk, Punk has a grudge against Cabana, tweeting about him:

"Why’d he ask to settle then? I wanted it to go to trial! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! Enjoy donating to the eventual “woe is me” go fund me account. HE SUED ME. He wanted to end the dumb sh*t HE started? I asked to speak to him, he declined. I asked to enter mediation, he declined. I offered money, IT WASN'T ENOUGH! I never wanted ANY of it. He’s as greedy as you are ignorant to who I am, and fooled by who he is. I loved the guy. Would’ve done anything for him. And the irony is, if he just would’ve asked for the money, I’d have given it to him. Instead he tried to extort me."

Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.