10 People You Should Support For WWE Hall Of Fame Class 2016

1. Owen Hart

Similar to Davey Boy Smith, Owen Hart is one of those inductions that has always seemed just out of reach. A lot of this has to do with the circumstances surrounding his death, which occurred on a WWE broadcast, but it now seems that Vince McMahon and his company are now closer than they've ever been to paying tribute to Owen via entry into the WWE Hall Of Fame. Addressing the elephant in the room, Owen's widow Martha is staunchly opposed to her deceased husband being honoured by WWE, but there are many within the Hart camp who feel the time is right to let go of old grudges and pay respect to the memory of their fallen brother. One of those being most vocal about Owen being inducted is brother Bret, which is definitely a powerful voice for WWE to have in their favour. The incident which led to the man's passing was tragic, no doubt, but millions of people worldwide would love to see him drafted into the Hall Of Fame, if for no other reason than to honour what was a remarkable career. What other performers would you like to see go into the WWE Hall Of Fame Class Of 2016? Do you agree with the choices on this list? Let your voice be heard down in the comments section below!
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Zeb Colter
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.