10 People You Should Support For WWE Hall Of Fame Class 2016

6. Sable

There was a time when Sable's name was mud to Vince McMahon. In the late-90's, the woman was one of the biggest stars in the entire wrestling world, promoted heavily by the then-WWF as a true, standalone superstar, and often pushed harder than many of her male counterparts. There was good reason for this, Sable was supremely over, but a massive rift developed when she sued the WWF for sexual harassment, amongst other things. It'd be years before Sable was welcomed back into the mix with the re-dubbed WWE in 2003, but given that she is now married to someone the company definitely want to keep on side, Brock Lesnar, there are worse choices when guessing which female could be entering the WWE Hall Of Fame in 2016. Even ignoring the fact she's hitched to one of WWE's biggest stars, Sable was immensely popular with fans during both her main runs in the promotion, and the impact she made of helping develop the burgeoning WWF/WWE Diva scene during the 90's can't be ignored. Given the fact that women such as Trish Stratus, Sunny, Lita and others have been honoured, there's no reason to suspect that Sable won't be next.
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Zeb Colter
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.