10 People You Should Support For WWE Hall Of Fame Class 2016

3. Sting

Surely it's only a matter of time before the iconic Sting is entered into the WWE Hall Of Fame? Up until 2014, the Stinger stayed away from the company, working exclusively with TNA after his original home base of WCW was swallowed up by the McMahon-led juggernaut in 2001. In many ways, it didn't seem like Sting wanted to work in WWE, but he bucked that trend last year, something which excited a lot of his longtime fans. Only wrestling one match thus far in 2015, against Triple H at WrestleMania 31, it seems plausible that Sting won't feature as an in-ring talent all that often with the company, certainly not on the scale he did for TNA. That's not really a bad thing, because the 56-year old legend should be a special attraction at this point. No doubt about it, he'd be an attraction for the Hall Of Fame in 2016. There are actually some rumours floating around that WWE will induct Sting on the same year as his opponent for WrestleMania 32, meaning fans would be treated to the first ever match involving talent simultaneously inducted on the same evening. Let's be honest, and pardon the naff pun, but that would be quite phenomenal...
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Zeb Colter
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.