10 Most Popular Superstars WWE Ignored

5. Mr. Perfect

Arguably the greatest in-ring competitor to never capture the WWE Championship, Mr. Perfect was charisma personified. He knew how good he was and he backed it up every night. It was not until late-1992, when he turned on Ric Flair and Bobby Heenan, that he became accepted by fans. Entering 1993, only Bret Hart and The Undertaker rivaled Perfect's popularity and many speculated that it may be the year that Perfect finally climbs the ladder to the WWE Championship. That did not happen. Instead, Hulk Hogan returned, the massive Yokozuna rose to prominence and Lex Luger became WWE's next big thing. Perfect was shuffled into the midcard and a feud with Shawn Michaels over a title he had held years earlier. He competed against the likes of Doink the Clown, Rick Martel and Michaels' bodyguard Diesel but he never did get that well-deserved main event run that fans had voiced their desire to see. A back injury ended his run in 1993 and, as a result, his lone babyface run. He would return in 1994 to referee the Lex Luger vs. Yokozuna match at WrestleMania X and in 1995 to become a heel broadcaster. The one chance WWE had to capitalize on his popularity and push him to the title he deserved went ignored.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.