10 Most Popular WWE Superstars On Wikipedia

10. Big Show, 13,698 Edits

Big Show weighs in just outside Wikipedia's top 100, totalling a still respectable 13,698 page edits. That's pretty impressive for Show considering he has never really been properly 'the man' in WWE, but then again this is a guy who has always been pushed very strongly. He's had a career spanning twenty years, with several big matches and incidents of drama throughout. WWE fans obviously have a lot to say about all of that, which has lead to Big Show becoming one of the most editorially revised pages on the wikpedia site. The other factor is that Big Show has enjoyed a career beyond the squared circle. His page also talks extensively about his roles in tv and films. There's also a whole load of information on his personal life. This is one Giant who WWE fans can't stop writing about.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.