10 Positives Heading Into WrestleMania 32

10. The Surprise Factor

Be honest€”at the turn of the New Year, how many of you thought you€™d be seeing Shane McMahon in a WWE ring at WrestleMania 32? Not only that, but how many of you thought you€™d be seeing Shane McMahon in a WWE ring going one-on-one with the Undertaker at WrestleMania 32? As far as unexpected surprises go, this might just be the biggest in all of recent history. Having left the family business to tread his own path, it seemed like Shane was done with pro wrestling. Yet all of a sudden, he€™s now back in the fold. And not only that but he€™s been granted one of the most prestigious spots on the biggest WrestleMania card of all time. It really is an outlandish storyline, the likes of which wouldn€™t look out of place on somebody€™s Universe mode on WWE 2K16. But the bottom line is that this news was a colossal surprise. And in today€™s internet age that€™s quite a rare occurrence, so kudos to the WWE for having the wherewithal€”and the guts€”to dish out a shock like this one.

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