10 Positives Heading Into WrestleMania 32

5. Divas Match

When was the last time that a Divas showdown was one of the more eagerly anticipated matches on the WrestleMania card? You could possibly make a case for Chyna vs. Ivory at WrestleMania X-Seven, or perhaps Jazz vs. Lita vs. Trish Stratus the following year. But I€™m going to go out on a limb here and say there€™s never been as much hype surrounding a women€™s match as there is ahead of WrestleMania 32, because in Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks we€™ve got a match that could easily steal the show. Their work together in NXT tells you all you need to know about this one. And furthermore this isn€™t just three of the best female workers in the company being thrust together for the sake of it€”there€™s actually been a meaningful story put together here, from Charlotte€™s heel turn, to Becky€™s search for redemption, and of course the rise to prominence of Sasha. Let€™s just hope these girls are given the time to show us exactly what they€™re capable of on the grandest stage of them all.

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