10 Post-Brand Split Wins For WWE SmackDown

2. Survivor Series Glory

john cena aj styles

Unlike the Royal Rumble, Survivor Series has lost a lot of its shimmer and shine over the last half a decade.

Essentially becoming the runt of 'The Big Four’ PPVs, Survivor Series and its traditional 5-on-5 Tag matches had ceased to be must-see, at least until 2016’s event rolled around. By co-opting the RAW vs Smackdown tag match angle from 2009/2010’s Bragging Rights PPVs, Survivor Series 2016 shaped up to be one of the best events of WWE’s calendar, mostly because of its near-hour long traditional Survivor Series match, which pitted RAW’s best singles competitors against their Smackdown counterparts.

Although Smackdown might have lost the Women’s Survivor Series match, as well as the Tag Team bout, they picked up the win where it counted in a contest that managed to make everyone look like a million bucks.

Most importantly, the match cemented The New Wyatt Family as the most dominant group in WWE, something that was long overdue. Many fans thought that was never going to happen. After a hard fought contest, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Randy Orton stood tall in the ring, cementing their place as WWE’s creepy, hairy overlords.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.