10 Potential Opponents For A Goldberg Return At WrestleMania 32

5. Roman Reigns

Another fairly unlikely encounter, given Roman's constant presence in the WWE Championship scene. Reigns will probably find himself in (or at least near) the title bout come WrestleMania 32 but, if crowd reaction continues to sour beyond the point of repair, WWE could be forced to divert his attentions elsewhere for the time being. Of all the men that could legitimise Roman in the eyes of the fans, Goldberg isn't the worst option. Like Brock Lesnar at 'Mania 31, his stiff approach would push Reigns more naturally into the sympathetic babyface role WWE seem so desperate to have him fulfil. A major drawback, however: can you imagine how weak The Big Dog's spear would look next to Goldberg's? It doesn't bear thinking about.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.