10 Precise Moments WWE's Best Ever Gimmicks Stopped Working

2. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

Steve Austin, Vince McMahon

'Stone Cold' was the blueprint for pro wrestling's sea change in the mid-to-late-90s. His rebellious character was one fans could live vicariously through, and millions lined Steve Austin's pockets by buying those simple-but-effective 'Austin 3:16' t-shirts. Then, they downed beers along with him as he hit Stunners and made Mr. McMahon's life a misery.

As the intro says, all good things must come to an end.

By 2001, Austin obsessively pursued The Rock's WWF Title and told the world he'd do anything to win at WrestleMania X-Seven. That's why he sided with old enemy McMahon and shook hands with "the devil himself" (another world class Jim Ross commentary call) after the match. That right there is when 'Stone Cold' went stone cold.

Austin evolved into a cowardly McMahon sympathiser who acted paranoid around everyone, played most of his promos for laughs and begged off from babyfaces. Some skits were a riot, but they didn't please fans who yearned for the old 'Rattlesnake'. He'd been defined by that Vince-bashing for so long that things felt strange without it.

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