10 Predictions For WWE Raw During WrestleMania Season
7. Daniel Bryan Will Be Back
Daniel Bryan will be back at some point during WrestleMania season, although it will most likely be in a none wrestling role. What WWE could do, is book him in the role of WrestleMania host. It is something feel good for the fans, a chance to see him and do the YES chant. Or, alternatively, they could book him in the corner of Roman Reigns, opposing Vince McMahon in Triple H's corner. That'd make sense with Bryan's history against The Authority, and his endorsement of Reigns could help the struggling new franchise star. Of course, if Bryan can get passed fit, maybe he'll be back on Raw to announce he'll be competing at WrestleMania. But don't hold your breath on that one, the safest bet is that he'll come back to Raw and get a character role for April 3.