10 Promos That Totally Changed Your Opinion Of A Wrestler
4. Bray Wyatt Formally Ruins Himself
Before the promo:
Even after the House of Horrors match, criticising Bray Wyatt online was verboten. He was a mystical genius, the next Undertaker failed by non-committal booking. If only they'd put him over, man, then those promos would make sense. They formed part of an elaborate tapestry that revealed the true scope of the character's mythology and ultimate motivation, unlocked only by going over Randy Orton or something.
Less flippantly, consensus had it that Wyatt was an exceptional performer failed profoundly by the WWE system.
After the promo:
Bray Wyatt revealed himself as Sister Abigail because of course he did on the October 9, 2017 RAW. Genius performer Bray Wyatt put on a f*cking lisp because he had no idea production were going to modulate his voice, man, which all but confirms they were making it all up as they went along, just like Wyatt was.
"It wath me, Authtin! It wath me all along, Authtin!"
"Aw, thon of a bith!"
Wyatt adopted a lisp to convey the femininity of Sister Abigail, which probably wasn't necessary, since Sister Abigail also wore a shawl. This was so dire that it excused WWE's lack of commitment.
People once used the weird cryptic to describe the Bray Wyatt character, but they didn't after this; after an association with WOKEN Matt Hardy, it was all utterly untenable, hastening a complete repackage.