10 Questions Steve Austin Should Ask Triple H On WWE Network

1. Why Is CM Punk No Longer In WWE?

This is a big one because when CM Punk did that podcast with Colt Cabana in November 2014 it was obvious that a lot of problems were with Hunter. Punk openly talked about how he had a good relationship with Vince McMahon and there were always stories that Hunter didn't like him. Austin has to mention Punk. It's been a year since he left WWE. Apparently it was Triple H that made the call to send him termination papers last June that ended up arriving at Punk's door on the day of his wedding. Vince already publicly apologized for it, but we definitely want to hear Hunter's side of things. My guess is that if Austin does mention Punk then Hunter will just give some answer about how Punk was burned out and that he was ready to move on with his career. The reality is that if WWE used Punk in a better way as a true main eventer then he'd probably still be there, but this is an instance where Hunter will likely go the politically correct route. As it stands now, Punk seems to be happy as he prepares for a career in the UFC and WWE has moved on too. It shouldn't be a touchy subject although if Austin does bring it up then you know people watching it are going to be interested to hear what Hunter might say. If they don't talk about Punk then you know it's because Austin was told to avoid the subject before the show begins. It should be a very interesting show. Check it out on WWE Network immediately after Monday's Raw and then it will likely be available on demand after it's over.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.