10 Rare Times The Undertaker Broke Character In WWE

R.I.P. Kayfabe...

The Undertaker

The Undertaker is approaching 30 years in WWE. With Survivor Series 2020 almost upon us, the company is already starting to celebrate three decades of The Deadman with a WWE Network collection that will keep fans going before the big event itself (which just so happens to fall on the same date it did back in 1990).

If you find yourself revisiting The Demon of Death Valley's legendary career throughout the coming weeks, one thing you'll find is that he rarely broke character. 'Taker is revered among the wrestling world for many reasons and one of them was for how protective he was of his supernatural character - so much so that he attempted to remain as in-character as possible when out in public.

That being said, there were a few rare instances over the years when The Man From The Dark Side didn't keep up appearances and the Mark Calaway within came to the forefront. Sometimes it was intentional and others, it was impulsive.

With that in mind, let's celebrate 30 years of The Undertaker by revisiting some of the rare moments where The Phenom shattered kayfabe...

10. Unforgiven 2001

The Undertaker
WWE Network

For the first four years of the century, 'Taker was a lot more expressive than he had been in his career prior to that. That was, of course, down to the biker persona he had adopted that was much more in-line with his real-life personality. That being said, he still knew how to perform, act, and sell in Undertaker mode, coming across like a take-no-prisoners monster in the ring.

One moment that he really struggled to keep up appearances, however, came at Unforgiven 2001 when he and Kane defended the WCW Tag Team Titles against KroniK. The two teams did not work well together and it quickly began to show as a there were a number of mistimings throughout and Clark and Adams missed their cues on more than one occasion.

'Taker was growing visibly frustrated as he essentially had to call the second half of the match, telling his opponents where to be on multiple occasions. Following a botched neckbreaker, you can see him throw his head into the canvas in frustration and audibly swear (though the sound has now been edited out on the WWE Network version).

After their victory, the Brothers of Destruction had a somewhat subdued in-ring celebration because you could clearly see that 'Taker wasn't pleased with that match. And considering KroniK was dispatched from the company soon afterwards, it's safe to say that was indeed the case.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.