10 Rare Times The Undertaker Broke Character In WWE

6. WrestleMania XXX

The Undertaker
WWE Network

The night that The Streak came to an end was one of the most perplexing in WWE history. A moment that seemed unfathomable, The Deadman had been defeated on the Grandest Stage of Them All and it was a moment that soured the whole evening because, regardless of where your allegiances lay, there was nothing uplifting about this depressing moment in time.

One of the many reasons for this was the aftermath of the loss. 'Taker - glassy-eyed and fragile from the concussion he suffered during the match - looked more mortal than he had in his entire career as he stood in the ring and soaked in the applause from an absolutely stunned audience, seemingly unsure of whether he should leave or not.

It's hard to know which parts of this moment were planned and which were just 'Taker's genuine confusion, but either way, the dominant Deadman used to destroying opponents at WrestleMania was nowhere to be seen here.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.