10 Rarely Used WWE Moves That Always Get A Pop

6. Liontamer (Chris Jericho)

Seth Rollins Splash

Chris Jericho is a major attraction in WWE today and, last year, he appeared in one of his most exciting runs in the company, first as the best friend of Kevin Owens and subsequently as his bitter rival. His matches are packed with nostalgic spots that pop the crowd, but nothing in his arsenal gets the same reaction as the Liontamer.

The Liontamer is the original, more brutal variation of the Walls of Jericho, with Y2J using a knee to the back of his opponent's neck in order to generate more agony for the person locked in the hold. He stopped using it shortly after he arrived in WWE as it was too difficult and dangerous to perform on larger wrestlers, rather than the cruiserweight opponents he predominantly battled in WCW.

Today, the Liontamer is used as an occasional twist in Jericho's matches when the usual submission won't put opponents away. He memorably deployed it against Neville at WWE's Beast in the East special and the move made an appearance at the Tokyo Dome this year when Y2J met Kenny Omega at Wrestle Kingdom 12. It's one of the most obviously painful submission moves in all of wrestling, which makes it one of the most exciting.

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Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.