10 Real-Life Wrestling Feuds You Totally Didn't Know About
Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels...CM Punk Vs. Ryback...Karrion Kross Vs. Liv Morgan?!

You know about the Bret Harts and Shawn Michaels, and the Bret Harts and Ric Flairs, and the Bret Harts and Eric Bischoffs. You what happens when you're the king Bret Hart was: inferior talents will become upset and outwardly project their inferiority.
You also know about Riddle and Brock Lesnar, and how Lesnar, who almost certainly doesn't know what an EVOLVE is, was probably in the right to get pissed off at this squint-grinning dumbf*ck trying to get a massive payday on the back of his star power. Riddle never did get his PPV bronus, because he's made to say sh*te like that as much as anything else.
You know about Kenny Omega and Jim Cornette, and how Cornette dismantled many of the friendships he formed as an adult because he couldn't take the fact that people rather enjoyed Omega's work. This was a more brutal form of revenge than Julius Caesar raising an army to murder his pirate captors.
Cornette records an exhausting podcast, with a phonograph cylinder, dedicated to burying him. This is a squash match that makes the Road Warriors look like they gave guys something.
But did you know about...?
10. Ethan Page Vs. Ricochet

This would be a far juicier story if it happened now - WWE champion buries AEW star on Twitter! - but it did happen in late 2018 to only mild intrigue in the rolling 24/7 wrestling news cycle.
In an absolutely shocking development, given the side-splitting zingers for which Ricochet has become famous, Ricochet replied to Ethan Page promoting his shot at the Impact Wrestling X Division Title with a joke that went over as well as Ricochet before Vince McMahon decided out of nowhere was championship material.
Ricochet instructed Page, who at the time wasn't as lithe as he is now, that he needed to hit the gym. In addition to being inaccurate - it isn't about weight limits, Ricochet! - it was also a bit cruel. Ricochet thought he was close enough to Page to gently mock him, but this, per Page's response, was decidedly not the case.
"You need to grow to be the size of an adult and learn how to cut a promo that doesn't sound like Bugs Bunny stuttering," Page replied. Equally petty, but he did support his point. "You wouldn't tweet that to Samoa Joe or Bray Wyatt," Page reasoned.
Ricochet has learned how to kick the cat.
And they say the Performance Center can't teach the super-indie set anything new!