10 Reasons Why Adrian Neville Vs Sami Zayn Is WWE's Story Of The Year

8. It's Shown A Different Side Of Neville

While Zayn's popularity has soared, Neville has been hearing a lot more boos than he's used to in recent weeks. Of course this is all part of WWE's plan. Before the feud with Zayn, Neville was arguably the second most popular wrestler in NXT. He got over by working extremely hard and wowing fans with his unbelievable aerial offense. He rarely got a chance to speak directly to the fans but he did his talking in the ring and, for Neville, actions definitely spoke louder than his words ever could. Neville's actions of late have made some members of the NXT universe question his motives. The way he beat Sami Zayn on the November 13th episode of the show raised a few eyebrows: after missing a red arrow and injuring his knee Zayn came to check on his injured friend, only for Neville to roll him up for the victory. Question is, was Neville really hurt at all? Did he just use the injury to sucker Zayn in because he knew that he couldn't keep him down otherwise? It was an interesting character development for Neville and, in the weeks since, he has been acting increasingly heelish. The Zayn/Neville story has shown that not only can Neville play high-flying babyface but he can also play sneaky tweener, too.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...