Im afraid Ive got some bad news Who would have thought that a gimmick like Bad News Barrett would be such a great direction for Wade Barrett to be in? When thinking about it, the gimmick is basically Wade standing on top of a podium banging a gavel and delivering bad news that half the time isnt even all that bad to begin with. So why does it work? Why do the fans love saying the line Im afraid Ive got some bad news every time Wade says it? Why did Barrett get such a huge pop when he won the Intercontinental Championship at Extreme Rules? Because love him or hate him, Barrett has a certain look, a certain it factor that the fans want to see every week on television. Some talent has it while others dont, and somehow Wade has managed to push himself away from the confines of mediocrity to reach a crucial step towards being over in WWE. But there are plenty of others reasons to like Wade Barrett besides his catchphrase. Here are ten reasons why having Bad News Barrett as the current Intercontinental champion in WWE is such good news for both the company and the fans who watch every week.