8. Elevates Braun Strowman
On Braun Strowman's first day at work, Vince McMahon probably took one look at him and thought "Wow! How did I not know about this guy sooner, we have to push him to championship level!" The big guy is reminiscent of the main event acts that Vince McMahon built his initial success upon, and he probably wants to get Strowman elevated quickly. That doesn't mean giving him a win over Undertaker, the idea will be that just from working with Taker he'll get a rub and his profile will rise to go on to do bigger things. He'll lose to the deadman at Mania, but he'll be a bigger star for having shared the platform. WWE can then push Strowman on to probable title contention in the remainder of 2016. Just like when Vince couldn't wait to elevate Heidenreich or Khali by matching them up with The Undertaker, the sentiment is likely the same for the latest giant on the block.