10 Reasons Brock Lesnar Is The Most Hated Man In WWE

7. He's Trying To Negotiate An Even Better Deal

It€™s fairly well known that Lesnar hated the backbreaking schedule of a full time WWE performer a decade ago, which contributed to his decision to quit the industry. It€™s also fairly well known that Lesnar would never have agreed to go back to a full time house show schedule for the company€ but Lesnar€™s contract isn€™t even a television/PPV schedule. And now scuttlebutt (like gossip, but playing hardball) is that he€™s attempting to negotiate a new contract that€™s even more favourable: the same miniscule schedule, the same outside sponsors, probably a similar fee €“ but allowing him greater freedom outside of the confines of WWE. That€™s got to rankle with the regular WWE roster, the majority of whom have grafted thanklessly for years for what little spot they have in the company, and who€™ll certainly never be in the position of a Brock Lesnar. To be honest, it doesn€™t sit well with a lot of the WWE fanbase either. There are plenty of people with a chip on their shoulders about their favourite wrestler not getting what they think they deserve. They cite Vince McMahon€™s inexplicable lack of faith in the phenomenally talented Cesaro; the stop/start/stall booking that€™s derailed Cody Rhodes€™ career; Daniel Bryan€™s bizarre demotion to the midcard upon his triumphant return from injury; and more. When it comes to wrestling fans complaining about favoured performers being given short shrift by The (Mc)Man here€™s always more. Meanwhile (the argument goes) Brock Lesnar is constantly and consistently handed everything: whether he deserves it or not, whether he€™s worked for it or not, over the heads of everyone else waiting in line, and despite having very little interest in the business. Simply by virtue of being Brock Lesnar, the genetically freaky superbeast, he gets what he wants before he even asks for it. It€™s not necessarily fair on the man, but it€™s a point of view.
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Brock Lesnar
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.