10 Reasons To Check Out Insane Championship Wrestling

9. Doesn't Insult Fan Intelligence

One major complaint logged against many wrestling companies is that they continually undermine the demographic, treating viewers like children and displaying sickening bouts of hand-holding with even the most basic of stories. That may be fair enough when your main audience is primarily made up of kids, but one key factor to ICW's success is that the Glasgow-based promotion don't treat customers like idiots. Instead, fans are made to feel part of the show, and owner Mark Dallas repeatedly keeps his ear low to the ground, so he can give his core audience exactly what they want to see. It's partly down to having that finger constantly on the pulse that the group have soared to such heights in a relatively short space of time. Viewers aren't steered monotonously through storylines and feuds, but instead posed with intriguing twists and turns which enable them to make their own minds up on who are the "good guys" and the "bad guys". There are more obvious examples, of course, but for the most part ICW provides stellar storytelling and a keen willingness to entertain without insulting intelligence.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.